Doing business in Denmark
Denmark’s economy is characterized by medium-sized industrial and service companies, which are often world-class.
The most important trading partners for the Danish economy are Germany, Sweden and Great Britain.
In an international comparison, Denmark tends to do very well. The employment rate, including among older workers, is the highest in the EU.

Our sales partners in Denmark
The Scandinavian market is often very transnational in the area of sales for HVAC, energy and environmental technology. Many of our sales representatives are active in sales in several countries or maintain a good network with sales professionals in neighboring countries. This creates many synergy effects that make it easier for us to find a suitable sales professional for you.
We have a dense network of reliable sales representatives and sales agencies, especially in the area of HVAC, ventilation and water. For example one of our Danish partners is now Co-founder of a joint venture with Metzger Wassertechnik in Sweden.
Here are some customer testimonials from our searches in Scandinavia:
(…) As a partner with the right contacts, ECO-EXPORT proofed how to deliver various interested parties to us within the promised time frame. The company ECO-EXPORT recorded detailed information about us and our products, on the basis of which it was not only able to pass on simple contacts, but also to obtain real interested parties for the products. (…) READ MORE
– Peter Metzger – General Manager – Metzger Wassertechnik
Market info
Heating, cooling and ventilation in Denmark
Danish Experiences on District Heating
Denmark is one of the most energy-efficient countries in the world. The high Danish energy-efficiency owes among other to widespread use of district heating allowing Denmark to integrate large amounts of renewable energy into the grid.

Sanitary and water in Denmark
coming soon
more articles will be shown shortly.

Green Tech and renewable energies in Denmark
coming soon
more articles will be shown shortly.

Find the right sales agent in Denmark
The Danes are considered to be one of the happiest people on earth. There is hardly any other country in the world where trust in one another is so pronounced and the work-life balance is very important.
Almost all business people in Denmark speak English, some also German. As a “door opener”, mastering the most important terms of the Danish language is still recommended and will be rewarded accordingly – even if it’s just a friendly “Hej” as a greeting or a “Med venlig hilsen” (Best regards).
Saying thank you is important on almost every occasion in Denmark – whether it is thanks for the hospitality at the last meeting when you meet again, for the good conversation after the meeting or for an invitation for coming, the good food or the hospitality shown.
In business life, and even when meeting important or prominent figures, a casual style of dress is common. You are welcome to leave out the suit and tie – with a bit of bad luck, the chic suit can already collect the first negative point.
The form of address is also casual – in Denmark people normally say ‘du’ to each other, regardless of the relationship you have with one another. Danes don’t know much about titles either, so feel free to leave out the “Dr.”. Modesty is part of Danish culture.
Under this premise, it is better to use public transport. Anyone who drives up in a company car may give the impression of not being able to handle money. Cars are expensive in Denmark and so the perception of a big car is not necessarily positive.
Meet your interlocutor at eye level. Presenting yourself as a representative of a “big country” does not go down well. Denmark may be small, but the Danes are proud. Incidentally, you can see a particularly large number of flags around April 16 – the Queen’s birthday.
In any case, take the time to have a casual chat with your counterpart before getting down to business. Getting to know each other and then talking about business is just as helpful as enjoying the Danes’ special sense of humor – even if it can sometimes come across as a bit sarcastic or harsh.
Need some help?
If you need further information, please contact us and we will be delighted to help you.